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OLD OAKS COUNTRY CLUB, PURCHASE, NEW YORK: Tower Productions was there on December 1, 2012 to help turn Gabrielle’s vision for her Bat Mitzvah into a reality. Starting with the personalized entrance way with logo and the glittering candelabra, this class act was created using White, Gold and Black throughout the venue. Curved couches not only added the visual appeal but also served as a great place to mingle. VIP Cabanas were created using pipe and drape turning this Bat Mitvah into a luxurious event.

Gold draping accented the room that was centered by a beautiful white dance floor, end capped with LED staging. White, Black and Gold M&Ms in square glass containers added a sophisticated touch to Gabrielle’s Bat Mitzvah. Illuminated Highboy tables with scoop stools added another space for guests to mingle. We have to admit, Gabrielle’s Bat Mitvah is one event in which we are extremely proud to have been part of the production team.